Our records indicate that you have already printed this form.
If you feel we have incorrect information, please email us at help@preferredguestlist.com. Thank You!"); } // insert entry into printOnce Table $printOnce = mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table6 (poID, emailSentID, poDatestamp, targetID, clientID, type) VALUES ('', '$emailSentID', '$date14', '$targetID', '$clientID', 'm')", $link) or die("Couldn't insert email info into printOnce table"); */ /*get client tabel info*/ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table, $table2 WHERE $table.clientID = client.clientID AND targetID = \"$targetID\""; $result = @mysql_query($sql,$link) or die("Couldn't Execute query."); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $targetFirstName = $row['targetFirstName']; $clientName = $row['clientName']; $clientWeb = $row['clientWeb']; $clientCommentsClick = $row['clientCommentsClick']; $clientPhone = $row['clientPhone']; $clientSlogan = $row['clientSlogan']; $clientSignatureFile = $row['clientSignatureFile']; $clientSignatureFile2 = $row['clientSignatureFile2']; $clientSalutation = $row['clientSalutation']; $clientOwnerName = $row['clientOwnerName']; $clientOwnerTitle = $row['clientOwnerTitle']; $clientOwnerName2 = $row['clientOwnerName2']; $clientOwnerTitle2 = $row['clientOwnerTitle2']; $clientOfferExpire = $row['clientOfferExpire']; $clientFPBack = $row['clientFPBack']; $clientLogo = $row['clientLogo']; $clientTopLeft = $row['clientTopLeft']; $clientTopRight = $row['clientTopRight']; $clientSEFullTitle = $row['clientSEFullTitle3']; $clientSEFull = $row['clientSEFull3']; $clientSEFullMap = $row['clientSEFullMap3']; $clientSEFullMapName = $row['clientSEFullMapName3']; $clientSEFullMapCode = $row['clientSEFullMapCode3']; } if ($clientSignatureFile2 == "") { $clientSignatureFile2Display = ""; } else { $clientSignatureFile2Display = ""; } If ($clientTopLeft == "") { $clientTopLeftDisplay = ""; } else { $clientTopLeftDisplay = ""; } If ($clientTopRight == "") { $clientTopRightDisplay = ""; } else { $clientTopRightDisplay = ""; } if ($clientSEFullMap == 'n') { $seImage = ""; } if ($clientSEFullMap == 'y') { $seImage = ""; $seMapCode = "$clientSEFullMapCode"; } ?> <? echo "$clientName"; ?> <? echo "$clientSEFullTitle"; ?>

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Service provided by www.PreferredGuestList.com, a division of Principal Solutions Group
For any questions, contact us at info@preferredguestlist.com

&&emailSentID=&&clientID=&&comingFrom=link" width="1" height="2" border="0">